Courtney Foster

Software Engineer passionate about developing innovative technology to make a real-world impact on our communities. Self motivated, forward thinking organized problem solver with a growth mindset, successful in collaborative work environments. Strong work ethic, interpersonal, and written and verbal communication skills.

Professional Headshot


Python Mega

Algorithms &
Data Structures

Complete Guide

Weather Dashboard

User can search any city and view the current weather conditions, temperature, wind speed, and color coordinated UV index. A 5 day forecast is also displayed showing day of the week, date, weather condition, temperature high, temperature low, and humidity. Search history is saved at the bottom of the page as an clickable list.

Built With: HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, Bootstrap CSS Framework, Google Fonts, Open Weather API, Flat Icon Royalty Free Images

Team Profile

This application allows the user to create a web page displaying company team members via CLI

Built With: HTML, TailwindCSS, Javascript, jQuery, Node.js, Inquirer.js, Jest.js


User is presented with multiple choice questions. Incorrect answers result in 10 second time penalty. Score is recorded after game is completed. Local scores are saved and displayed once game is complete.

Built With: HTML, CSS, Javascript


User can create and take quizzes organized by category. Quizzes save high scores. User can take quizzes without being logged in, but must log in to create a new quiz or save their score.

Built With: HTML, CSS, jawsDB, SQL, Sequelize, Express.js, Node.js, Heroku, Bcrypt, Dotenv


The website includes information such as weather, visibility, cloud coverage, current moon phase, constellations that are visible at this time of year, upcoming meteor showers, and the latest news in astronomy.

Built With: HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, Moment.js, TailwindCSS, DataTables